UWCAd - United World College of the Adriatic Academic year 2003/2004

UWCAd closing cerimony Duino - Wednesday 26 May 2004
Closing cerimony
UWCAd end of the year show Duino - Tuesday 25 May 2004
End of the year show
The world in classical music Duino, chiesa dello Spirito Santo - Friday 21 May 2004
The world in classical music
The UWCAd cello quartet San Giovanni di Duino - Saturday 15 May 2004
The cello quartet
Festa attorno al mondo Duino - Sunday 25 April 2004
Festa attorno al mondo show
Danny's birthday Duino, Pala dayroom - Wednesday 14 April 2004
Danny's birthday
Il compleanno di Giuseppe Duino - martedì 13 aprile 2004
Il compleanno di Giuseppe
The sound of music Kulturni Dom Gorizia - Tuesday 6 April 2004
The sound of music
Italian drama: Parole in caduta libera Duino - Saturday 3 April 2004
Italian drama: Parole in caduta libera
UWCAd Reunion 2004 Duino - Saturday 27 March 2004
Reunion 2004
UWCAd Eastern European show Duino - Friday 13 February 2004
Eastern European show
UWCAd Balkan show Duino - Saturday 31 January 2004
Balkan show